Paul Dontschuk

Paul Dontschuk

Chief Transformation Officer at RedZed

Paul Dontschuk, Chief Transformation Officer at RedZed discusses his career journey, inspirations and proudest achievements

With over 30 years of experience in the Financial Services industry, Paul Dontschuk, Chief Transformation Officer at RedZed has worked across multiple geographies with a common theme of technology, change and working with great people. As Chief Transformation Officer at RedZed, Dontschuk is accountable for the delivery of the company’s transformation programme. 

Over the years, Dontschuk has seen enormous change when it comes to technology being used to support both customers and internal process efficiencies. “I've been lucky enough to work for a few large organisations, such as Ford and General Electric, and in that time, been involved in multiple innovative projects and industry leading projects. My experience has provided me with a great set of tools and expertise that I am able to apply at RedZed.

“I joined RedZed a week before COVID lockdowns commenced in Australia (March 2020). During 2020, many organisations took a conservative approach to investment and slowed or stopped projects. Whilst focused on appropriate actions to navigate RedZed through a period of uncertainty, management and the board saw the opportunity to continue to support investment in the future,” added Dontschuk.

When it comes to his work, Dontschuk is inspired by finding opportunities that others say are difficult or not possible to do, then working with great teams and doing them. “RedZed has a value of Bold Exploration and backs its teams to do so. This isn’t always easy – exploring means you sometimes encounter difficult circumstances, a few trails where you need to turn back, and inevitable falls and misadventures.  The new discoveries, rich rewards and insights more than make up for any of the journey’s hardships.

“Transformation should begin with alignment to an organisation's purpose and vision. At RedZed that meant delivering solutions that support our passion for the self-employed. Transformation is not for the light-hearted, it requires a commitment to long term benefits and recognition that the transformation needs to be the focus meaning other initiatives will need to be paused or delayed

When it comes to his achievements over the years, Dontschuk reflects that seeing the people he has worked with and influenced over his career achieve amazing results, and then getting the chance to work with them again over the course of their careers as a source of satisfaction. “There is something special about watching people and businesses grow. I commenced at RedZed after a catch up with the Managing Director who was a former colleague. He shared the customer and growth vision for RedZed and asked me to help out for a period assisting to deliver the transformation programme. 

“One thing led to another and I joined RedZed permanently and have been here ever since. It is no coincidence my decision was influenced by the clear passion for RedZed’s self employed customer base and the enjoyment of working in a growing business”.

Read the full story HERE.

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